viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

Syllogisms and Racing

When I was in 10th grade, I took a class called Logical Analysis or something like that. I don't know the actual translation in English. I don't even know what was the purpose of that class to be honest. Probably to train your brain to work properly, so the class objective didn't work out for me :)

Anyway, in this class, they taught me something called syllogisms which Wikipedia defines as a logical scheme of a formal argument that consists of a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion that may be used to either test a conclusion, and bla, bla, bla... 

It goes something like this - Pay attention, Libby-

Major Premise: All M are P ------>  All ugly animals suck as pets. 
Minor premise: All S are M ------>  All cats are ugly animals.
Conclusion: -------------------------> All cats suck as pets.

So, I came up with this new one for my family :)))

Major Premise: My husband is a freaking genius.
Minor Premise: I am a freaking genius, too.
Conclusion: Our babies will be freaking freaking geniuses.

And that's probably why I didn't do very well in the class, ha ha ha!! But really, my husband is the best husband. I hadn't had time to write for more than a week because I was taking care of a little problem with my blog. Apparently I had run out of my Picassa Web free space of 1 GB. Emerson said that was a ton of free space, but I only had 668 photos. It's not like it was a lot, you know?? 

A long time ago he mentioned that I should compress my files, but I didn't listen. I honestly thought he only said it because that day he was trying to upload a video at the same time I was uploading my photos, and he wanted me to be done with it. I guess I am not a very respectful wife. I do things, stupid things sometimes... things that I don't mean to do, but that come across as disrespectful to him. I am very sorry, Emer.

On racing seat

Long story short, I asked him to make some research and tell me if it was good for me to buy more space from Google. Then he said maybe I should look into buying my own domain. Then, I made some more research, and it cost about the same. Ok, I'm making this even longer. So, after some arguments like, "I told you to compress your files, but you never listen", and, "I'm very sorry, I am very sorry. Would you forgive me? I just need you to fix this for me, fix it, this is very important for me, it's our family blog...", we finally were able to come up with a solution: Compress my files directly in the Picassa Album.

Ok, nothing personal against I love it, I think it rocks. I am probably a very ignorant woman technology wise, but it seemed like there was no solution to the problem. I thought I was gonna have to start another blog or something. It just looked like the only solution was to buy more space, no suggestions, no nothing. They just said I ran out of space, and that was it!! Probably people figure out stuff like this very easily, but it sucks that nothing is free, not really. But my husband rocks :))

So I'm happy to announce that as of today I'm using 1.56% of my 1GB free space and I'm not paying $2.5/month. Take that, whoever wanted to charge me!!

Checking out the Indy car

Today we went to a company event and Emerson had a lot of fun. Baker Hughes rented out K1 Speed for three hours, gave us pizza, soda, and a free lap. I couldn't race for obvious reasons, but my child had fun, more than my daughter. We got there around 7 pm, and Emerson registered very early for the laps, but he didn't sign something else. He ended up racing almost at the end! 

Libby was very tired, and fell asleep on the way home. We left the place around 9:30 pm. I am tired. Tomorrow we'll have breakfast with Merritt, Brad and Kori, and then a shower for Baby with our small group!!

Oh, updates on Libby:

Libby is saying, "Taaar" (which means star) whenever she sees the shape in the license plates or TV, or anywhere. She is beginning to recognize letter A. I'm pretty sure she knows that E is for elephant, because there have been at least two times that I've noticed she makes the elephant sound when she sees the letter E. She learned immediately the sign I invented for pizza. Now all she says when we are eating is pizza, but she really means carbs, pasta or whatever I'm eating, and she really likes.

She is super clingy to me lately, she cries all the time if I don't hug her, she might feel Baby is coming.

Clingy, clingy

She flushes the toilet on demand. Gives Tope Sancho Borrego, Beso, and High Fives. She brushes her teeth without help, and actually asks for it after we are finished eating - because I have repeated it like a thousand times, "After we eat, we brush our teeth"-. She can open the kitchen door, and she knows how to open the garage with the remote pushing the red button, so I'm not leaving my keys anywhere anymore :))

High fives

She knows how to unlock my iphone and just uses her little finger to go between screens, actually changed all Emerson's icons. She also helps Daddy to take off his shoes and socks when he gets from work.

iPhone savvy 

I talked to a lady tonight at the racing thing whose 10 month old child began walking at 8 months old, probably because he wanted to keep up with the older brother who is two. He is talking more, and doing stuff faster just because of the older brother.

See what I mean??  My children will be freaking freaking geniuses :))))

About to start
Waiving to Libby

He drives very aggressively

Enjoying the adrenaline

Baby at 37-38 weeks

The last two weeks of pregnancy have been "hard". Apparently I am losing weight, because I'm stuck at 148 lb. I've been there since July 18th. Baby is growing, though. He was almost 6 lbs on September 15th.

At week 37, doctor said we were just playing the waiting game. I was around 2 cm dilated.

Baby at 37 weeks

At week 38, he said the same. I want to hold my baby already :(

Baby 38 weeks

We'll see next week what he has to say. He only mentioned that if there are any concerns with Baby's movements, we'll talk about inducing me, but that he's pretty sure my body will do it on its own. I guess it will. Every night I go to bed hoping tonight will be the night...

Last week we went to the mall before my appointment, and Libby was having a blast pushing her stroller. She is very strong. She will help me push the stroller with her baby brother or sister on it. Honestly I think she is the best daughter in the whole wide world. Oh, wait... she is :))

Libby pushing her stroller

Learning while waiting for the doctor :)

miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012

Second pregnancy freak out

"The days are too long, but the years are so short..." ~ Sandra Stanley

"Ay, Karla... Cuando veo como le hablas a tu hija, me gustaría ser así de paciente con la mía" ~ Corina

I cried the other day at night while watching TV with Emerson. I didn't really know why exactly until I read something in my parenting book... Somehow I told Emerson that I was probably freaking out and just realizing that I am gonna become a mother again, to what he said, "Well, it's too late now..." 

Sure, just two more weeks, if not less :)) 

I need to write what the book says, I want to remember this one day:

This year [the terrible two's, she is not there yet in age, but man, she IS there!!] you will perhaps wish you could get  a transfusion from your child's energy. This energy deficit is particularly common among mothers of toddlers. For whether o not she stays at home or has a supportive husband, much of the responsibility for caring and nurturing a young child  will tend to fall on Mom. Furthermore, if there is a new baby in the family, Mom will be recuperating from the physical changes of pregnancy and childbirth and, more likely than not, nursing as well. In this case, her need for stamina [or a beer] may seem even more profound. 

About to make ravioli dough

Mothers who stay at home with one or more kids under the age of three may find themselves suffering from lack of sleep, lack of adult conversation, and (most important) lack of recognition for the job being done. All of these can sap huge amounts or energy from the most talented, motivated, and dedicated moms [that's me :))]

If you feel that there is no end to your day's work and that life has been reduced to an endless, draining, and monotonous routine, wake up and smell the coffee, because life is not passing you by. On the contrary, you are at the center of the action [this literally made me cry, I AM AT THE CENTER OF THE ACTION]. You are shaping and molding the very core - the attitudes, the faith, the future- of one or more young lives. Very few careers offer anything resembling this opportunity and none to depth that is possible as a parent. Believe or not, your friends who are navigating the freeways by the dawn's early light may actually envy you [Toma ésa, pinche Hobbit!]

This is a time to renew your fascination with your child and to remind yourself that you have him on loan but a few short years. An attitude of thanksgiving - even in the midst of toys strewn all over the house, piles of laundry yet to be done [not really with the laundry, yes with the toys], crayon marks on the walls, and little hands frequently puling at your sleeve [more at my hair lately] is not only appropriate but invigorating. 

Feeling the flour
"Good stuff"

The arrival of your child's second birthday [it happened sooner] is also an important to take stock of the parental "state of the union." Is there still a strong sense of teamwork, shared goals, communication and intimacy? Or are mother and father moving through the months on different tracks, which may be parallel but more likely are diverging? Without taking deliberate steps to maintain your marriage, going in different directions is all too easy. 

Yes, we need date nights... I don't know, I guess ALL this is why I cried. All of it. But I wouldn't change it a bit.   

Yesterday she got sick. She had been waking up for the last couple of nights. I thought it was her molar, but she was also sneezing a lot, and she began having a runny nose two days ago. So yesterday morning she sneezed, and all the boogers finally came out. Then, around 8 am she began getting really warm, and her temperature reached 99.2 F

Feeling sick

I called the nurse, I just wanted to be sure I should give her Tylenol. We were watching videos, Harry, her letters, etc. She was fuzzy, and crying, but I didn't want her to do anything but rest. After an hour or so, she got up and started running around the house like nothing ever happened. I didn't give her the Tylenol becuase the mild fever came down on its own, I thought it was better to save it for the night. 


The next day, she was just her normal self, of course there was still some sneezing, but no fuzziness at all. She was just over the cold. Mommy, however, fell victim of the same freaking cold two days later, on Friday night.  I had a runny nose all night long, and the next day, my throat was so sore I could feel pain in my ears when I swallowed. I felt really sick the whole weekend, and just about now (a week later) I am able to breathe through my nose. I still feel somewhat congested.

Runny noses

Anyway... I took some photos of her while sick, and I guess a Mom who is able to do that has to pay somehow. Karma, they say.... I am very glad Emerson didn't get sick :)))

Nena coloring

sábado, 15 de septiembre de 2012

Museums and self-control

I've been feeling bad lately... and excited, and really happy - but kind of bad nonetheless. The truth is I want to be thankful for all the things I have in my life, especially my children and my husband. But lately, it is difficult to thank God for having a toddler. Do not get me wrong, I meant to say I do thank Him for Elizabeth, but not for the fact that she cries all day long, do I make sense?

The other day a friend and I were discussing something about our feelings. This friend shared with me feelings of anger against some people. She said she was supposed to be long suffering, patient and all those virtues that we are called to attain in our lives as Christians, right? I knew what she meant because I have felt the same way before, specially when you put me in a one bedroom apartment with my mom, dad and a newborn. But I remember talking to Jeff about it and he mentioned that those feelings are completely normal, that they are actually human... 

Libby at 6 months and 15 months. Same chair. She has grown so much :))

After that day when  I talked to him, I guess I understood that Jesus bore our sufferings and our sins in the cross because he chose to, but I don't think he enjoyed being mistreated, am I making sense? I think there is a difference between enduring hardships and persevering under trial, and actually enjoying bad times. No one enjoys bad times for bad times' sake!! I don't know... I just don't picture Jesus as a masochist enjoying being beaten almost to the point of death just because. The Bible teaches about rejoicing in our sufferings, but I think it means that we are to rejoice in the fact that the suffering produces endurance, and endurance character, and character hope (Rom 5:3-5). And you know that all things work for your good when you trust God (Rom 8:28). But it doesn't mean enjoying the suffering in itself. I don't think that's what it means.

Sept 8, 2012. Highway to hell. Great...

So I rejoice over the fact that I am learning to be more patient with my daughter, because she is losing it every ten minutes, and I get frustrated because she gets frustrated, but I am the adult here. We had several tantrums on Friday. She cried because she couldn't put a little purse I gave her on her shoulders, and it was coming down again and again. I had to take it away after several minutes of trying to help her calm down. Then she lost it again because she couldn't put on her shoes herself. I was asking her to give me her feet so that I could put her socks on, because socks go first. I said I would help her with the shoes after that. But she threw herself to the floor, and her tantrum looked like a storm that's getting worse and worse and worse, and then it just explodes... I had to take the shoes away. Then I think the crayons and the markers also were a tough one.

In line for the Children's Museum

The other day I saw her arms after putting her down for resting time, and she had bitten herself hard enough to leave marks on them. I don't know if she was tired, or angry that I left her in her crib, but it wasn't like she was out of control like when she throws a tantrum. Just last night she tried to bite herself in front of us, I guess trying to make us do what she wanted (which was giving her the sippy with milk without saying please), but we didn't give in. This afternoon she tried to do it again, and Daddy didn't give in. She is so darn smart, she is pushing and pushing the limits, and I honestly think we have been very consistent so far.

Watching the bubbles
Playing in the tot area

Fearless, didn't care about the steps
Playing in the foamy waves

Going through the tunnel

Going to the foamy tunnel again
Carrying some blocks

Here with Daddy
Developing some motor skills

Thinking how to get out

Anyway... Self control is hard to teach I guess, it is something we are not born with. Obviously, it is more difficult when you are a toddler and you kind of understand what your mother is trying to tell you, but not really, and to make matters worse, you can't even talk. That's probably the main reason of this whole tantrum thing, that she can't tell me what she wants or needs. But we are making progress, at least I am as her Mom. There have been several times when I recognize when this thing is gonna blow, and I stop it before it escalates to full blown storm. Like in the next photo with the legos, she began to throw them because she couldn't do I don't even know what, but I distracted her, and we went outside. And I am aware of the fact that I can't and won't do that all the time, because she needs to learn how to deal with her frustrations in the right way. Something that nobody taught me...

Smart Mommy smells the storm

Like today, we went to the Children's Museum, as you can tell by the pictures. I wanted to take the first picture of the day, and was so proud of myself because I hadn't forgotten the memory card, which I always leave in the computer because I take pictures almost all the time, and use it several times a day. But I charged the camera battery the other day, and forgot to put the battery inside the camera. So the camera didn't work. I asked out loud, "What's wrong with this?" To what Emerson replied, "What's wrong with you? Does it have the battery in?" I checked and it wasn't there. Emerson told me I didn't have any discipline, which is true, and I felt so stupid.

That's actually the first thing I thought, "Karla, you are so stupid". I felt like crying, and I felt angry, upset, disappointed in me because we were not gonna have good quality pictures for my blog. I would blog about every poop Elizabeth poops if I could... I just don't have time nor three hands to get a picture while changing a diaper.

At the Health Museum
Outside the Fine Arts Museum

I hugged Emerson and said I was so sorry. I cried some tears, but then he said it wasn't a big deal for him, and although it was for me, there was nothing I could do. I honestly thought about being upset the whole day, like continuing in my bad mood like I used to do before, but he said we had the cell phones, and I mean, those were okay for the day. I decided I wasn't going to let a camera to ruin our day, and we had a wonderful day!

How do you teach THAT to a child? That it is okay to let go of the crayons. That it's okay if you get upset because you're a 15 month-old trying to color holding three crayons at a time, but if you can't do that because your hand is tiny, it's okay to let go. How did I learn? I'm not sure I'm self controlled all the time to be honest with you... I'm way, waaaay better than before, but I'm not perfect. The other day I felt like hitting some bins I was putting together for Elizabeth's bedroom, I think I wrote about it in a post. I think I did hit them, then I breathed, and walked away. When I came back to try it again, I was able to put them together.

I guess our example will speak volumes. We will teach more with our actions than with our words. Like yesterday Emerson told Elizabeth that cats were pretentious little jerks, and it was so funny I laughed. And I picture my funny daughter telling somebody that we don't like nor own cats because they are pretentious little jerks. It's funny when talking about a cat, but I don't want her to say that to any adult she doesn't like. I don't know... Still we can be godly parents, and that doesn't mean we will have godly children. All we can do is do our best, and let God take care of the rest. The woman I am is a very different version of the woman I was, and all it happened because I gave my life to Jesus. There's no other way I would've changed without God's help. All we can really do is point our children to Him, He will help us with everything, and I will really need help to stay sane once Baby is born.

In another note, today I felt so weirdly happy because we went out... I know I won't be able to do that once Baby is here. This made me laugh so hard... probably because it reflects how I felt.

And follow me, follow me, venga!!

And yes, call me an ignorant, I know I don't know how to appreciate art, but is this it? Really? Even Libby can do this... 

No comments

After the museums, we went to have lunch to 100% Taquito and then to Central Market, and then came back home. Libby took a nap, and now is sleeping again for good. It's 8 pm, I'm tired, and I'm ready to go vegetate with my husband on the couch with a virgin piña colada.

God is good all the time :)))

Eating rice, beef, and chicken. 

Baby's heart at 36 weeks

Baby's heartbeat at 36 weeks

This pregnancy has been so different compared to Elizabeth's. Everything about it I will write in Baby's scrapbook for her/his pregnancy :))

All I will say is that I feel so light and healthy! Thank God I still walk one hour every day. I've gained only 14 lb. 

At 36 weeks with Libby, I had gained around 33 lb. I ended up with 36 lb. at the end of her pregnancy.

At 34 weeks, they said Baby weighed around 6 lbs, and it was in an oblique position. But on Thursday the doctor said he had moved and is ready... Well, one more week, and Baby is ready to come whenever he/she feels like  :)))  

"We want to meet you, Baby!!"


lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012

What GOOD music is - with Daddy

There has to be something wrong with me, or at least, with the moms I know, not all of them, just the ones I consider to be great moms. I'm sorry... that might have sounded very, very judgmental... I just don't know how to say it any other way. I guess there is something embedded in my brain, and I need to let go of it. 

Libby and I have a routine every day, which I honestly don't consider it to be very structured, but I guess it is. We do almost the same things every day, almost at the same time. And I understand that could be boring for many people, that they might think that I could be more flexible, but then, if I didn't know what to do, I would be bored. I don't know if I'm making sense at all. 

Okay, so, if you asked me, "What do you do from the moment she wakes up (6:30 am) until she takes her nap (11 am) and after?", this is how my answer would look like:

6:45 am -              Emerson or I give her her milk
7:00-7:30 am -  Breakfast
7:30-8:30 am -  Walk in the neighborhood with Merritt and Kori
8:40-9:20 am-   Libby walks on her own around the complex
9:30-10 am -      I take a shower while Libby plays in the pack and play
10:00-11 am -    Read Bibles or sing songs, read books, stories. Snack before nap time
11 am-1 pm -      Nap. Mom reads her Bible (lately naps, too), cooks, cleans, whatever...
1 pm-2 pm -        Lunch. Mommy washes dishes while she watches Harry or phonics videos
2 pm-3 pm -       Skype with grandma. Mommy vacuums or keeps cooking or folds laundry

  Play the game- Queen

After Skyping, we usually just hang out. I make sure everything is clean in the kitchen, and that whatever we are having for dinner is ready for when Daddy comes home. More stories, kisses, timeouts when needed. We change things around according to my needs. Sometimes I have to vacuum after Skyping because I couldn't do it before her morning nap or stuff like that. And when I pause and think, "Well, it's not really that structured, I'm somewhat flexible...", I honestly believe I am.

I read in a book that flexibility is the ability of materials to deform, but then they go back to the original shape. Flexibility with children has been "malformed" to think that you don't need a plan really. So when someone says they are flexible with bottles, naps, etc., what they really mean is that they don't have a time for anything, they just go with the flow of the day. Flexible parents would look at me and say, "You have her on a schedule". 

YES, I guess I have her on one. And I have even been made feel bad because of it!

500 hundred miles - The Proclaimers 1

500 hundred miles - The Proclaimers 2

One day, a mom asked me to tell her my daily routine and when I told her what I did with Libby, she looked at me like I was kind of a weird creature and said, "I can't believe you don't watch TV!! What do you do all day long?" To what -again- I responded with my schedule when Libby was about 6 months old. I actually had her on such a "rigorous" schedule - according to her, anyway- that I predicted Libby would fall asleep very soon, and she did :)) 

I'm not trying to prove my point or even prove to you that I'm right. I honestly don't care what you think about my mom skills, which I think are awesome. If you go with the flow, fine. But when you consider that this mom watches a movie several times everyday with the son because the child loves that movie... Well, it's hard for me not to think that she has it "easy". So anyway...all this because yesterday was Sunday and we had such an easygoing day. We just watched Youtube with Libby, and did nothing. We watched The Office, we ate in front of the TV, I tried to scrapbook while she was coloring on her new block with the new crayons Mommy bought for her... but I felt bad, because after she was finished with the crayons, I kept on scrap-booking, and Emerson was taking a nap in the couch. She would walk from her room to the living room, just like a lost puppy, like bored, I thought she needed something. But Emerson said she was fine. And she was... it's just probably me.  

Listen to the music - The Doobie Brothers 1

Listen to the music - The Doobie Brothers 1

She is used to read stories, she grabs her books and points towards the pictures, and I repeat STAR until I go crazy. But she recognizes the star now everywhere. She is also recognizing the letter A. And you say SUN and she looks up, since there is a sun in her bedroom. And she makes the sheep's noise, or at least she tries. And she whines like a puppy when she sees Dori, or grabs Perrito Guau Guau. So those times when I cry in my bathroom because I want time to hide and rest, instead of repeating CIRCLE -for the millionth time- are paying off. My love, my time, my hugs, my kisses, my everything-I-have-I-pour-into-her will pay off. She is joyful, kind, she is becoming very patient while waiting for her food. She is a hugger. She will be the perfect big sister for Baby.   

Huapango - Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional 1

Huapango - Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional 2

I am so proud of her, and so very thankful that God has let us experience the joy of having a child... In fact, yesterday in the bathroom while I was crying, I just laughed and thought, "I am so silly... this is nothing, I will have two in my lap in five weeks." 

I blew my nose and got out. But I felt much better. And that's pretty much it. Emerson brew today for Labor Day. Later we'll go out for ice cream or something similar. I'll make sure to take photos. This blog has become very important, not only because I record everything they do, but because I can actually share how I feel. It will come in handy in 30 years -God willing- when I have lots of time in my hands. It will be neat to remember what I thought while I was raising them :)))  

Baby at Week 34

On August 28th, 2012 we went to the doctor office for my 34 week ultrasound. Turns out Baby is in an oblique position... Not only that, but Baby weighs 6 lbs already!! 

I just want to hold Baby in my arms already, and honestly I don't want him/her to be bigger than Elizabeth (9 lb 4 oz) because I don't want to have a C-section. But only God knows the future, and I'm okay with whatever happens, you know? I just want to hold my son/daughter in my arms, and know that it's a healthy baby. Also, it could be a C-section if Baby doesn't move into the right position for delivery, but lately it has been moving like crazy, and we can feel that little butt going from right to left. 

Yesterday, I think I actually felt a punch on my left side, when they said Baby was on the right side. Who knows? I am so blessed... I honestly need to let go, and learn to ask for help, and actually receive it gladly.

Oh, the ultrasound lady told me she also wears tights, like if that was gonna make me be like, "Yay! I'm not alone in this world!", and ironically it did!! But I already posted about that, I do feel I'm doing the right things for my health. 

I just hope it doesn't have to continue after the pregnancy, but if it does, at least I'm glad winter is coming :))     

Meeting Baby on screen at 34 weeks-1

Meeting Baby on screen at 34 weeks-2

Meeting Baby on screen at 34 weeks-3

Baby's Heartbeat

15 month checkup and more :)

There haven't been any new developments around here. All is the same, THANK GOD!!

My husband taught me his complicated system to store in his computer the movies I take of Elizabeth in the camcorder. It was easy, it's just time consuming.

Libby weighed 21.4 lb at her 15 month-old check up, and measured 31.5 in. She eats like a little pig, but the doctor said in three months I'll be asking him why she is not eating. I doubt it. I mean, I can't imagine Libby being picky with food, she loves to eat, just like her Daddy.

The vaccines were painful, but she was over it in five minutes. I just posted some videos of her at the office, and then we went to pick up Emerson. The last video is about her playing in the playground of Memorial City Mall. 

Oh... I got used to my new tights, I don't feel weird anymore, and I think they have really helped because before using them I had this huge bruise in the inner part of my thigh, and you could see a vein in there, but now the vein is not there anymore. It's like the bruise is healing or something. Probably the circulation is going on better now that I have pressure at the bottom of my feet. Yep... those are the good news :))) 

Libby waiting for her vaccines

Waiting for Daddy

Memorial City Mall Playground