lunes, 28 de julio de 2014

India is a no-go

July 26th, 2014.
1:00 am

EMER: Just realized we've been here 28 days...
KARLA: So? I'm trying to sleep
EMER: We need to cross the border or you won't fly to Chennai.

Emerson has a way to get your attention. It's not always the best, obvioulsy. Sometimes he asks your opinion on something, and in less than five minutes, he has jumped into action. Like that time when we were camping and it was too cold, and he decided to tear down the tent. We were gone in less than an hour, in hopes Enzo didn't get any sicker. He did.

So here's the skinny on the visa status:

A long time my visa expired. That doesn't really matter since I was living in the US, and not planning on leaving the country. I was not there illegally, since the primary visa holder is Emerson, and his visa hasn't expired. But once I decide to take a vacation out of the US, things change. I can still come back, since my passport has a I-94, with a stamp that says it is valid until September 2014.

Road trip

BUT that stamp only lets me be out of the US for 30 days. That's the last thing the lawyers told Emerson a long time ago. Immigration is confusing. CBP officers have different views? Information? I don't know. But it's very different to cross the border by land from getting on a plane. They stamp my passport every time by plane, but not by land. That stamp keeps track of the 30 days. 

So here I am trying to sleep while Emerson is bugging me about getting another stamp, so the 30 days start all over again. Otherwise I would have been out of the US for 32 days, which might imply that I won’t even get to fly to New York. We were not sure of this, but you never want to have the misfortune of meeting with a CBP officer who knows all about the 30 day-rule. 

So after Emerson gave me all the options, which included not flying to Chennai with my children, or getting to the airport in Mexico only not to be allowed to get on the plane, I agreed to go to the nearest border with him. He had to go with me, since he is the one with the work visa, and he knows all the stuff.

BTW, my Indian visa says my special endorsemet is TO ACCOMPANY HUSBAND. Awww, that's nice. I’ve ONLY been doing that since 2007… isn’t that amazing?

July 21st, 2014. Married seven years. 

Movie-night date
Ice cream while children sleep in the stroller

So long story short, we left the hotel on Saturday (day 29) at 5 am, children and all. Not that I don't trust our families, but I just couldn't leave my children for more than 24 hours. I just couldn't. So we took them. And we drove to Laredo, Texas. They slept until about 9 am, at which point we stopped to go pipis and have breakfast. A smoothie, and sweet bread. They were amazed at ALL the big trucks at the gas station, and Libby was asking all these questions about our destination. 

"Oh, Mommy, look! A big truck!"

We said we wanted to say bye-bye to Texas one last time, and we decided to take a long road rally like the one Mickey Mouse takes. I think they loved the idea :)

They were very happy the whole time. I mean, Enzo cried a lot, but it was because nobody likes to be stuck for more than an hour to a car seat. I would go to the back of the car, and play with them, or use the tablet or the cellphone... Then they would take a nap here and there. 

We made it. That gave me hope. Tons of hope. I mean, we'll be stuck on a plane - three planes, actually- but with tablets, movies, stickers, crayons, toys, and Enzo will be free... It has to get way better, right?

Let's not jinx it :S


Wind turbines

The border

We couldn't decide whether to stay the night or keep on driving back to Mexico. I started to drive the night shift, but my eyes were really tired, and I was averaging like 50 mph on a 65. I wasn't tired, I was afraid. The roads suck. The lanes are small, and it's just not like driving in the USA, I have to say. So we stopped at Monterrey. It was the best thing to do because Enzito didn't stop crying. He was so exhausted, but couldn't sleep for being strapped to the car seat. 

Sleeping beauty
Sleeping hansdome

So we stopped at 1 am. They were dead asleep. But at 3 am, I couldn't sleep. Enzo was sweating, and I was so hot. Emerson didn't turn on the air conditining, only the fan, and it was 89 °F inside the room!!! 

So I had to go out and asked for help. Didn't care the maintenance guy would see my husband's underwear, I needed to figure out how to turn the AC on. Finally after 30 minutes, I was cold enough, and was able to try to sleep. By then, Emerson had taken one third of a king size bed, and my children the other two thirds. I tried to squeeze in a corner, but Emerson kicked me on the face, and Libby hit me, too. 

We made it back safely. I was very tired, and slept a lot on and off. Emerson had to be even more tired, since he drove all the way there and back.  

Paying a toll

Today we slept in. Began packing after having brekfast and taking a shower. We were done by 2:30 pm. Went to Nana Angeles' house to have lunch with my family, and now we are at Grandpa Andres' house where we are having dinner with Emerson's. I just needed to catch up with my blogging since tomorrow I start a new adventure.

If you get to read this, just say a prayer or have a good thought, or send your good vibes, whatever you believe in... I appreciate all the good feelings I can get. It will be a long 48+ hours trip to get there. We are leaving tomorrow at about 4 pm. Will land on NY around 10 pm. Then we'll sleep at the airport. The next flight is at 11 am on Wednesay, from NY to Dubai. God willing, we'll be there in 12 hours (that's Wednesday at 11 pm for our families) that is 11 am for us on Thursday morning. 

We had one more flight from Dubai to Chennai at 3 pm. Hopefully, we'll be at our hotel at 9 pm on Thursday (11 am on Thursday for our families).

That will make Libby very happy on Friday, because this hotel has a pool  >)

Libby goes to school

There are many things in life that can help you realize how old you are. One is having your favorite school teacher be your child's teacher for a couple of days :)

We enrolled Libby for summer school for three days at my old kindergarten. We've been stuck in Mexico for so long that finally Libby had the chance to go. 

I don't have much time or energy to tell all the details considering we are leaving to New York tomorrow. Libby liked school okay, I guess. She had lots of fun the first day, but the second and third, she cried. I think she missed us. Enzo missed her, too. 

Walking to school

Posing with Dad

Knocking the door

At least I know now that I won't cry when she really goes in Chennai. It was difficult for me to let her go, but the fact that my teacher was there gave me more confidence. Enzo loved being an only child for five hours for some days in a row. We need this, him and I. We need time just for ourselves, we have never had time alone since he was born.

Getting acquainted

Waving good bye

 Anyway, things are getting interesting with our stay in Mexico. We just got our Indian visas last Friday, and oh, surprise, my US visa had expired. We already knew that, but I could be out of the country for less than 30 days. Our flight leaves on Tuesday, that is 32 days.  Still don't know what's gonna happen :S

Miss Liz and Mommy. 1990.
Miss Liz, Libby and Mommy. 2014.

All in all, Libby liked Miss Liz. I really owe to her all my English grammar, and vocabulary (that helped me tons when I got to the US for the first time). Libby said she doesn't like school, and that she doesn't wanna go again. Other times she says she has to go once we get to Chennai. Don't know. I really enjoy listening to her saying she doesn't wanna go. She's my girl :)

I'm outta here
Last day of school. 

lunes, 14 de julio de 2014

Dori goes missing

The story for us began last night, July the 12th. I have written a lot of stuff in the last 24 hours, so I won't rewrite it.

Just read.

Two nights later...

Still in shock, I just did what I could do: I prayed, and asked our friends to pray.

I also texted Mr. Jeff. He's like, my mentor.  He has been for such a long time now, and he and his wife are such good friends of us.

So we cried and cried last night, and this morning. Emerson asked not to tell anything to anyone. So I was terribly, terribly sad today. I couldn't really cry last night for being taking care of the children, while Emerson slept alone on the bed. 

Roller coaster of emotions today!!!  My goodness!!

So after talking to the Rodriguez tonight, we found out Dori had made it to the apartments the night she left, two nights ago, on July the 10th. A family saw her wandering around and took her in. They made signs for her. 

The sign said she was really sweet. Aww...

I'm still in shock because this morning I was crying because I might never see her again (only God knows), and tonight I was crying because God answered our prayers. I cried because I was so relieved. I cried out of thankfulness. I still can't believe how these things can happen in somebody's life. It's just amazing. It was a miracle for me, really. 

I also can't believe how she crossed Telge or Huffmeister without getting hit. Which takes me to this: I prayed for her safety two nights after this had happened, how did God answer my prayers, our prayers, in advance? Because He cares. God did not make this happen. Dori left because she was looking for us, and for all I know, now she'll be microchipped and tagged, and whatever... but God cared for that dog. That dog... Ahhh!! 


"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" ~ Matt 6:26

God cares for you in such an amazing way. Please never forget that. God also saved Dori. He put that sweet family there to take of her. He gave peace to my husband last night because he was dead asleep -passed out crying- but he was out until 10 am. this morning. 

Still don't know why this happened, I asked God last night. Why? Why this? Why now? I might never know. I believe there was a purpose. My husband prayed. He felt at peace. Most of all we didn't blame The Rodriguez. We weren't upset with them. Emerson loves John so much... I don't know. There is purpose in this. I'm still in shock to figure that out. But Libby saw Daddy and Mommy crying. And she asked questions, and I talked to her about hope, and trusting in God even when you don't understand what the hell is going around you.

I mean, it was kind of a happy ending for everybody. And I understand that this won't happen always, you know, happy endings. But it's freaking awesome when it happens!

So thankful tonight that Dori is resting tonight after pooping so much (I think she held it the whole time since she was stressed). 

More thankful for God's faithfulness :) 

Tired after two days of being away

viernes, 4 de julio de 2014

Leaving the USA. Pitstop: Mexico City

I feel exhausted. I also feel very ungrateful... ~ Karla.

I think life can get busy many times, even when you least expect it. As much as I can tell, I've always tried no to do much in efforts of my children enjoying their lives in a easy-pace kinda thing. Eventually we'll get busier and busier when they start going to school, but at least for now, I try not to pack a lot of stuff in our daily schedule. Well... that changed when Emerson told me we were finally leaving the US. We knew we were going to leave on June 27th, but he didn't want anybody to know.

I still don't know what's the level of understanding for Libby, but she was constantly (still is) repeating over and over that we weren't living in Houston anymore. "The hotel in Mexico City is our home now, and we are moving to Chennai, where we'll stay in a hotel, too," she says. Hearing that is very sweet.

Last swim
Having fun
Drinking beer
Emerson's party

For the last weeks we were just hanging out with friends, and packing. The children were great. I understand they are little and so that might make it easier.  Even when they saw their toys packed away into boxes, or taken away to be donated, they weren't really upset. I explained to them that we were moving, and that we couldn't take everything with us. I said one day we would go back to Houston, God willing, and we will have everything back. But for now, a lot of things had to stay behind, even Dori, just for a little bit :))

Daddy, why are you crying?
Because I'm going to miss Dori...
Daddy, I'm sad, too... Because I don't wanna go night nights

Saying Good Bye to Dori

The last couple of days in Houston were exhausting for being moving lots of big things, and packing little things here and there. You cannot buy groceries anymore, and you have to make it work with what you have on the refrigerator. It's difficult when moving from one apartment to another (in Houston), even one state to another (Ohio to Texas). Now try one country to another.

The apartment had to be all cleaned up for the inspection before we could leave on that same Friday. Plus sell the cars, go rent another car at the airport one day before so you can get to the airport. Keep on packing. We were very tired... I felt ungrateful with little sleep over the nights just to keep cleaning, and stuff. But then I looked at my children, and how well they were with all this transition. Of course they were fighting, and screaming, but they were such good helpers. They would watch movies, or eat on their own, take naps wherever, and sleep on the floor for the lat couples of nights :))

Dori's last day with us
Enzo napping

Enzo napping again

Watching Nemo in the storage unit

Having lunch

Nina napping
Eating lunch during World Cup

Last night at the apartment

In all that we saw God's hand at work, tough. We were supposed to vacate the apartment anyway because another family was moving in, and we didn't even had a date to fly. But God delivered. Duh! As always... Then we flew to Mexico because the process for the visa is faster here.

Completely full

Ready to go to a new adventure


Good fliers


Our boy

Flying has become super easy with the children. I mean, easier than before. Plus, they are such good fliers. I just hope I'm not jinxing it for India, fourteen hours flying are not two hours flying.

Anyway, long story short, we surprised everybody. Everybody looked at us like we were ghosts. Then they were super excited. I think they are even more excited just to know that we'll be here until God knows when... The interview at the Embassy was on Tuesday, then they weren't sure we'd be approved, and made Emerson come back on Thursday. Now, he has to go back on Monday. Everything seems to be working out, thank goodness :))




Emerson, Fili and Susana


That was a week ago... We've gone back and forth from the hotel to my mom's house or Emerson's parents' house. We have spending a lot of time with them, and I'm having so much fun. Really. We have also ridden the buses, subway, taxis, etc. Libby and Enzo have been so excited. Actually, Libby sings The Wheels On the Bus every single time we ride it, and she yells to the top of her lungs, "This is the bus, people!! We are riding the bus!! This is Mexico City. I like this city!!"

That's what the first world has done to my children, lol!!

Enjoying the rides

Playing trains
Trains were Daddy's

Braving the city
20 minutes after a walk

Tea party
Tia Pam
Enjoying his tea

Nina and Nino have stayed some nights with Emerson's parents, to give us a break. I feel like I'm on vacation. I'm not cooking, father-in-law gives me coffee, feeds my children, washes my clothes... My mom feeds us, I have help at the playgrounds, gives us more food. I mean, what else do I need right now? I needed a break like this. I really did. 

Fun at breakfast
Having fun with Grandpa

Before interview

All I need is you, Daddy.

And revolving doors
To play

With you

I've also been running with Emerson, and my father-in-law. And we went to the movies the other night. After at least four years of not going to the movies, we finally did!! We were pretty much running to get there. We didn't kiss, hug, hold hands like when we were dating. We wanted to watch a movie, and we were running kinda late. Seriously, we needed to make this one count.

Movie night

Today we went to a very nice playground. Then we had food street, and hung out with my family. Children were very tired. We came back to the hotel and have some snacks, and beer (the adults) for dinner. I also made some memes just because. 

These posts will be short, I  guess. I don't have a lot of concentration or time to write. We'll keep on writing our adventures, tough, until we made it to Chennai. 

Biggest playground I've seen
Hamburgers and fries

Horsie rides

Tia Susy's bed
Tia Susy's couch